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Seriously WTF kind of branding... |
Yeah, so, back in 2016 you might have heard some stories
talking about how various GOP pollsters had given 45 a better shot than the
stuff for public consumption—and maybe weren’t even surprised he pulled 270. I
guess they counted lawn signs or something, whatever. Secret proprietary methods or some shit. But I guess they were right, fortuitously or
not, so what can I really say?
A couple polling firms in particular stand out in this
regard. One is a company called Rasmussen
Reports, which was the only poll that correctly predicted Michigan would go red
in 2016. Nobody took them seriously, because
Rasmussen started out as a George W. partisan shop and was known to have a
strong GOP bias. Rasmussen overestimated
the support of Republican candidates in the 2010 midterm elections by nearly
four points, and missed even bigger in 2012: Rasmussen had Romney leading Obama
in the national popular vote and winning Iowa, Virginia, Colorado, and Florida—yet
Obama carried each of those states won the popular vote by 4 freaking points
(i.e., over 5 million votes).
But Rasmussen got Michigan right in 2016. And while that’s just one state out of fifty,
Michigan was a harbinger of the overall Rust Belt doom. Michigan doesn’t happen without Ohio,
Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin—and 45 doesn’t happen without all them. So Rasmussen went around the twitters wagging
its finger at the Nate Silvers that fall, and lingers as a source of doubt for
But why? How? What enabled Rasmussen to be right on
Michigan in 2016 when so many others missed?
Did they have a superior methodology?
Or did they just guess and get lucky?
The 2018 midterms suggested the latter. Heading
into the midterms that year, every firm doing a national poll predicted a
Democratic lead between 5-13 points, with most of them clustered at 7-9
points. Except Rasmussen, that is—who had
the Republicans ahead by a penny.
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From RealClearPolitics.com |
Well, as the other pollsters had largely predicted, the Democrats
won the overall national congressional vote that year by over 8 points—the
largest margin in decades. So yeah, whatever,
Rasmussen. Broken clocks and whatnot. Ain’t no better than the C+ rating Silver
gives you.
Far more insufferable than even Rasmussen, however, is the
polling firm Trafalgar Group, which is named after an early 19th-century sea battle but sounds like it should be the name of either
a hedge fund or a collection agency or both.
Trafalgar’s head guy, Robert Cahaly, is an obnoxious rightward
cheerleader who you can usually find on the likes of Fox News or worse
banging his “social desirability” theory.
That’s basically the idea there’s all kinds of secret trumps out there who
won’t admit it publicly but will scribble in his dot when they get to the voting
booths. Cahaly claims to adjust his
polls to account for these incogcheetos and that’s how he gets numbers higher
than the other polls.
What Cahaly is really doing, however, is padding his numbers to benefit 45, and using the shy trump concept as a convenient justification. What actually happened in 2016 is that late-deciding voters broke heavily for 45, especially in key battleground states. Actual social scientists have investigated the secret trump theory and found no evidence to support it. If you've ever seen a trump, you know not many of them are inclined to be discreet about it.
If there’s
no evidence, then whatever bump the Trafalgar polls are giving 45 because of it
is purely arbitrary, of course. But Cahaly
don’t care; just the other day he was evidently on the Hawn Channity show or
whatever they call it predicting
four more years.
Like Rasmussen, Trafalgar’s unsound methods were exposed with
spectacular 2018 failures as well—most significantly, a predicted 12% romp for 45
fan boy Brian Kemp in his Georgia gubernatorial race ended in a functional tie—with
Kemp winning largely due to electoral
shenanigans. Perhaps they overestimated
the number of shy Kemp voters? Well,
most people outside Georgia don’t even know about that.
Enjoy your C- rating, biyatch. If it’s even still that high:
* * * * *
Okay, so now we’ve established that Rasmussen Reports and
Trafalgar Group are both partisan boogeyman polls that we really shouldn’t be
worried about—right? Right?
Oh, you’re still worried.
Well, let’s just say, hypothetically, that Rasmussen and/or
Trafalgar is actually worth a damn. Then
what are we looking at for November 3?
There are some other bizarre scenarios that might be
possible but generally speaking, for 45 to win the election he must carry all of
Arizona, Texas, oHIo, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, then either Pennsylvania
or Wisconsin. Or Michigan, but he’s not
getting the Mitten without PA or Wisconsin so…okay okay we’ll include
Michigan. Go Blue. Always Go Blue.
Here’s the current polling averages (which already includes
the likes of Rasmussen and Trafalgar, BTW) for each of those states (per
270towin.com on Oct. 23):
Arizona: Biden
Texas: Trump +2.2%
Ohio: Trump
+ 0.8%
Georgia: Biden
Florida: Biden
North Carolina: Biden +2.3%
Iowa: Even
Pennsylvania: Biden +7.3%
Wisconsin: Biden
Michigan: Biden +6.8%
If the election were decided according to these polling
averages, Biden wins 350+ electoral votes even if you give Iowa to 45. Okay, let’s see what Rasmussen’s and Trafalgar’s
most recent polls have for these states.
We’ll start with Rasmussen:
Arizona: Biden
Texas: N/A
Ohio: Biden
Georgia: N/A
Florida: Trump
North Carolina:Trump +1%
Iowa: N/A
Pennsylvania: Biden +5%
Wisconsin: Biden
Michigan:Biden +8%
Using the Rasmussen numbers, 45 picks up Florida and North
Carolina for sure. Rasmussen didn’t poll
Texas, Georgia, or Iowa—but even if we assume 45 wins those too, that’s still
not enough. Partisan though they may be,
Rasmussen still has Biden up in Arizona and all across the Rust Belt—significantly
in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and even holding a modest 2%
advantage in Ohio. This maybe isn’t the
landslide we want and need, but still gets the job done with a solid, 300+ EV
One cautionary note on the Rasmussen numbers is that their
most recent polls for Michigan and Wisconsin were all the way back on September 7—an eternity
on the context of this race. But an 8%
lead is massive, and even if those states have tightened, they are unlikely to
be much closer than Pennsylvania—where Rasmussen’s more recent polling still has
Biden leading by 5%.
Okay, now let’s see what Mr. Cahaly has cooked up for us:
Arizona: Trump
Texas: Trump +6.0%
Ohio: Trump
Georgia: Trump
Florida: Trump
North Carolina: Trump +1.7%
Iowa: N/A
Pennsylvania: Biden +2.3%
Wisconsin: Biden
+ 1.3%
Michigan: Trump + 0.6%
Sadly, neither Rasmussen nor Trafalgar has any polls for us
in Iowa. But since Admiral
Nelson has a veritable 45 landslide going on everywhere but the Rust Belt,
and also since we’re trying to reassure ourselves by giving the devil the benefit
of every doubt, we of course presume it goes red. All those states less Michigan put 45 up around
258 electoral votes (plus or minus some random one-vote districts in Maine and
Nebraska), with the Mitten and its 16 EVs set to decide the race. Somehow, despite Biden still winning in Pennsylvania
and Wisconsin and 45 having gone
on the Twitter warpath against Michigan’s governor despite some MAGAs having
hatched a plot to kidnap her, Trafalgar has 45 crossing the Mackinac Bridge
with a 0.6% margin.
Careful now. Red sky in morning. Those high winds will blow your shit right off.
I guess literally all the other polls could be wrong and Trafalgar
could be laughing at us again in November. Even
Silver still gives 45 about a 13% chance of winning—though even much of that 13%
chance reflects the possibility of various lightning strikes in between today
and election day. But until then we’ll just
have to sweat it out. There’s no damn
boogeyman, just jackass pollsters who like to scare us with made up numbers. It’s just you, Cahaly. You and your broke-ass clock.
I got suckered into reading a Cahaly interview this week. I suspended my disbelief long enough for him to scare me, until he said something to the effect that if Biden won PA, it was a sure sign of voter fraud. Yeah...click.